Day Trip
Nothing is better than playing hooky on a slow day when the weather is as glorious as it was the other morning when I awoke. I said to my husband, “let’s take a day trip somewhere.” So off we went to the Montezuma Swamps. I’ve always wanted to drive through the swamps and hike the trails.
My love of photographing wildlife and landscapes is my second favorite thing to decorating – Oh OK maybe it’s tied for first.
It was a beautiful sunny day with a gentle breeze and all the wildlife were out enjoying it as well. My husband did the driving while I shouted every so often, “stop!” to capture a remarkable creature. Whether it was a Great Blue Heron stalking the edge of the water for his next meal or Mommy and Daddy geese eyeing us suspiciously while protecting their newly hatched family, it was amazing and exhilarating!
The colors of the day couldn’t have been more vibrant and perfect to try out my new digital camera. My favorite colors of lime green, purple hues and mixed colors of yellows were abundant.
I’ll leave you with a saying I love that was written by Patrick O’Leary for the Chevy Tahoe ad:
“There’s a place I travel when I want to roam, and nobody knows it but me. The roads don’t go there and the signs stay home, and nobody knows it but me. It’s far, far away and way, way afar, it’s over the moon and the sea and wherever you’re going that’s wherever you are…and nobody knows it but me.” If you’ve never been to Montezuma, take a day and enjoy……we did.

Muskrat enjoying the grasses.