No Regrets….Just Dreams Come True

Sami felt she needed to be a part of the holiday decorating and posed under the grapevine deer I was adding new lights to.
With the difficult time in the US right now, we approach the holidays unsure of what the future holds so let us capture the beauty that surrounds us and as American author, Carolyne Roehm recently stated, “When in doubt, or sadness, I still think the beauty of nature is always inspiring and restorative – whether it encourages you to go on and fight for your beliefs, or promote the intention that we will go through a hopefully peaceful transition.” And so, I offer some recently taken photographs to hopefully bring some much needed peacefulness to your soul.
The wonderful mix of voices creates the incredible harmony of the group Pentatonix. I leave you with they’re beautiful rendition of “Mary, Did You Know?”
“A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams” John Barrymore…..May 2017 bring all of us peace, harmony and dreams come true.