Do you get Transported?

A mesmerizing picture as fall leaves showed their colors in the ice as others below lay upon the grass in a “lake” created by so much rain.
Do you ever get transported? By that I mean do you zone out? I do……Some instances when I get transported is when I’m picking paint colors, when I’m visualizing something in a room, when I walk or when I listen to music. I was transported one evening when I had the wonderful opportunity to listen to my friend Dr. Paul’s son sing one night. Michael Amante, a nationally recognized singer, whose resume includes a PBS special, singing for countless dignitaries and Presidents and has appeared on numerous national television shows. He sang at the Resort Lifestyle Communities at Towne Center in their theatre for the residents and those of us lucky enough to get invited. His voice, I liken to those of Josh Groban, Pavarotti and Andrea Bocelli transported me. He sang two of my favorite songs, the Hallelujah song and the song from Les Miserable’s, “Bring Him Home.” I met my new friend, Dr Paul, who recently moved into the retirement resort when I helped him determine what furniture to bring with him from his large home he was selling. So lucky am I that I gained a new friend whose soul is ever so gentle and kind.
On one of my walks in the fall, I was transported as the air became crisp and the leaves crunched beneath my sneakers. With all the rain we had last fall, the Links Golf Course had “lakes” where they weren’t suppose to be. Clouds mirrored in these “lakes” as brightly colored leaves floated above leaves lying upon the green grass below. It created a mesmerizing picture as you can see above.

A goose watches over her goslings off my deck. I wish I could have put a red bow around her neck, she would have made a beautiful holiday card!
As I walked up the hill to the Green Lakes Golf clubhouse early one morning; I found the need to use the restroom there. Inside the stall, the most beautiful view from the window was bestowed upon me. The photograph ended up looking like a series of paintings hung on a wall as you can see below. You never know where your next photograph might be!

The photograph was taken from inside the ladies room at the Green lakes clubhouse, the photograph looks like a series of paintings on a wall which is actually the window overlooking the beautiful hills of Green Lakes.
Taking photographs of landscapes and animals/insects always transports me as well. Did you ever see so many butterflies as you saw last summer? It was the most incredible summer for them. While playing golf, I snapped a photo of a Painted Lady Butterfly on the Green Lakes Golf Course (my husband was teeing off so he wasn’t TOO annoyed with me!), my girlfriend in Colorado was also snapping a picture of one enjoying her zinnias in full bloom on her deck.

A beautiful Painted Lady Butterfly on the Green Lakes golf course.
I was blessed to capture a photograph of a beautiful Tiger Swallowtail butterfly feeding upon my lantana in my window box.

A Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly feasts upon my lantana last summer.
In plenty supply last summer was the beautiful monarch butterfly that enjoyed my hydrangea bush in full bloom. I captured a picture of an allusive hummingbird moth feeding upon my spectacular phlox. They are hard to photograph as they are very shy and fast. When I first noticed one, I thought it was a baby hummingbird but realized it was something else. If you have never seen one, keep your eyes peeled. They love butterfly bushes and phlox.

A monarch butterfly passes through and feasts on my hydrangea bush.

A Hummingbird Moth feeds upon phlox in my garden. They are hard to photograph as they are very shy and quick.

I photographed this “drunk” bee in the early morning feeding upon the nectar of the flower. Bees can actually forget how to get back to their hive when drunk, dying as a result.

I can’t wait to get my deck set up for the summer.
Flowers mixed with greenery from your garden can be very interesting as you can see below. I used ferns, hosta leaves, euonymus bush (fortunei) and grasses mixed with the flowers.

A bouquet of flowers from my garden made a beautiful centerpiece for a luncheon I had.
Looking forward to the awakening soon to come….I already have bulbs blooming in my garden. My hellebores (Christmas Rose) have beautiful flowers on them that were blanketed under the snow. Sami and Remi can’t wait for the screen room to go up where they’ll spend the summer watching the birds, sleeping and dreaming of catching a chipmunk! In the meantime, Sami sleeps on the heat vent on our heated bathroom floor.

Sami sleeps on the heat vent to keep warm while waiting to feel the warmth of the sun.
I leave you with a saying by Barbara Winkler from the book, “Time Began in a Garden” by Emilie Barnes. “Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle…” “A seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl and the anticipation nurtures our dream…”
Happy Spring and Happy Dreaming!