
Redecorate On a Budget

It’s easy to redecorate your home, even when you’re on a budget.  The trick is simple: Redecorate by rearranging. It’s easy to feel like you have a whole new home.  If you like, I can help you to rearrange your furniture and accessories to give you a whole new look.

Maddie our Abyssinian cat posing for a picture

Identify the focal point of your room. Is it a piece of furniture? A fireplace? A grouping of plants or wall hangings? Windows count too! When you have identified your focus, you can do the following:

Change the ebb and flow. Introduce a taller plant, sculpture, or lamp stand into the focal group; this will add eye-catching appeal to the horizontal landscape. Avoid blocking a view, however, and stick with slender items, if possible.

Make it cozy. Gather up favorite quilts and throws. Roll them in bundles and tie them together with a scarf or ribbon. Pile them in an extra basket or make a free-flow group in a corner.

Bring Mother Earth indoors. Go shopping in your backyard.  Look for dried grasses, twigs, pine cones, and interesting objects to create a natural display. Place them on the coffee table or tie the twigs and grasses together and place them in a vase.

I would love to hear from you, so please feel free to comment and let’s hear what you’ve done in your own home.
